Quick examples
text includes "megumin
megumin price<=5000
text includes "megumin" and
price is less than or equal to 5000
megumin price:(>1000 & <5000)
text includes "megumin" and
price is between 1000 and 5000
(megumin | kazuma) & !(megumin & kazuma)
text contains “megumin” or “kazuma” but
not both “megumin” and “kazuma”
Queries can be nested by using brackets: ((<query>)<query>)
Any query is made of one or more conditions: <condition>
Conditions can be joined by using operarators: <condition><operator><condition>
Condition is made of tag, relation and value: <tag><relation><value>
Selects which property to condition.
Describes how to limit the property. Default relation is replaced by >= if the value is text and by = in other cases.
description | symbols |
default | : |
larger | > |
larger equal | >= |
equal | = |
not equal | != |
smaller equal | <= |
smaller | < |
Sets what value to compare againts. Value is in one of these forms:
type | example |
string | megumin, “lucky star” |
number | 10, 10.5 |
boolean | true, T, false, F |
To search text with spaces or other special characters put quotes around the text.
”re:zero” | “lucky star”
text contains “re:zero” or “lucky star”
Any condition is made of `tag`+`relation`+`value`.
tag relation value
title > megumin
text contains “megumin”
If tag or relation is not provided, default values are used:
Nesting conditions
Brackets can be used to group conditions. Each open bracket must pair with its coresponding closed bracket.
open bracket conditions closed bracket
( megumin | kazuma )
text contains “megumin” or "kazuma"
Brackets allways take priority:
megumin & kazuma | aqua
(megumin & kazuma) | aqua
megumin & (kazuma | aqua)
megumin & kazuma | megumin & aqua
Nesting tags
To avoid repeating tiping the same tag name, replace the value with brackets. The tag and relation written before the brackets will be used as default inside those brackets.
tag relation nested tag
price : (>500 <1000)
price is between 500 and 1000
Another example:
keyword:(megumin -kazuma)
keyword:megumin & -keyword:kazuma
Any condition or bracket can be negated by prefixing with one of the negation symbols: -, !, not.
negation symbol condition
! price&qt;500
price is not larger than 500
!(megumin | kazuma)
-megumin -kazuma